Monday, February 26, 2018

An Astroanalysis on The time of death of Bollywood actress Sridevi

A Astro Analysis on the Death of Bollywood Heroine  "Sridevi"
Woke up on Sunday morning and shocked to hear of death news of Sridevi one of Bollywoods finest Heroines.
Seeing the reaction of her death news all over.
Have been trying to analyse her horoscope and the time of her death at the age of 54
Her Moon is placed in the 11th and Exalted and a parivartana with Venus.
She was no doubt one of bolly wood most beautiful Heroines.
Exalted Moon (Chandini), what a apt title for someone so beautiful.
A no of planetory combination like
Jupiter in 9th own House, Saturn in 7th own House, Moon in 11th Exalted gave her all the name, wealth and fame in her lifetime.

Now lets look at what caused her death.
Transit Moon was in the 12 house from Natal lagna and 2nd from Natal moon, aspected by Transit saturn from Dhanur Lagna.
Saturn was in the 8th house  from Natal Moon ( Ashtama Sani)
Jupiter was also in 8th from Natal moon.
Several planet Sun, Venus Mercury and Neptune were in the 8th house From Lagna, Sun and Venus.
Several of these planets in the 8th only indicate death under mysterious circumstances.
While the exact nature of death may not be known due to 8th house or the secret house of death.
It also indicate the lonliness and pain that she was under going not known to the outside world...
Rahu and Ketu transit her Natal Lagna and 7th house only gave the final blow in the form of sudden death.
A combination of planet in 2, 7, 8 and 12 were a indication of death waiting to  happen suddenly.
A point to be noted from her birth chart is of Venus which is a Maraka for cancer natives
Her smile with which she enchanted her entire audiance thru her films was lost in the last few years due to the various conmetic surgeries that she had undergone. (the effect of a Maraka Venus).
No doubt Mercury in 8th her death gave "Sadma" to her million fans all over. Her death will be talked and discussed for a long time.
It will remain a big mystery. Neptune in the 8th, one may never know the real reason of what caused her death.
Any ways now that she is gone may her soul rest in Peace.

1 comment:

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